Once there was war(based on territory) between light and darkness, the battle was so fierce that on the long run a truce had to be called.Twas agreed that both should live adjacent each other and  without interfering in each other’s business. The occupants of the warring parties are to live enclosed in their territory and no trespassing.

Being on the light side, we did everything together; we lived in peace and helped one another. We had many things in common, we could see because there was light , but same cannot be said for those on darkey avenue, there was always commotion and terror, happenings there was exactly the opposite of ours.

Out of curiosity one day, I went to our boundary and shouted out hoping someone would hear, why is there always commotion amidst you people? Can’t you just rest? Then a voice shouted back ,why won’t there be? He asked rhetorically, you people had light , we don’t have any, we dress , talk, eat and do things how we like, since we can’t even see each other. Then he shouted back that even if you had been in our place, you would have done similarly! Would you have done better if you are in our stead, I asked back and he replied obviously yes!!! His justification didn’t go down well with me, so we decided to swap places to backup our claims.

I left lightey avenue together with my colleagues for darkey avenue just for a temporal relocation, those in darkey Avenue did likewise. As expected we experienced some culture shocks and everything look strange as the acclimatizing process began

Not long after, we noticed some strange happenings, darkey avenue was becoming lighter and lighter and lightey avenue was becoming darker and darker. The answer to what could have prompted these became elusive, but the truth of the matter remains that we did nothing special, we just lived our life as we used to when we were in lightey avenue.

Twas a shocking awakening with this conclusion, though we left lightey avenue and everything there, we carried along our attitudes and character. Then it became glaring to us that our light was not a function of our environment but our heart. The light was our lifestyle!!!

We make a living by what we get but we make a life by what we give.

What is oozing out of you? What are you giving? Light or the opposite?

You decide!!!

Neither do men light a candle, and put it under a bushel, but on a candlestick; and it giveth light unto all that are in the house. Matthew 5:15


  1. Wow! I love this.

    Concise and rich in facts. It's not about the environment, it's all in us.

    More grace bro.


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