Don't you care?

I came across this piece some years back, did some modifications; I just hope the message remains intact. Enjoy!!!

You are driving home after a tiresome and energy-sapping day at work, you decided to tune your radio to hear the local news, you heard the breaking news that a small town in India has been struck with a strange disease, leaving about four people dead already, you don't give it much of a thinking at first- at least people die every day. You got home into the warm embrace of your wife and only son, after your meal, you settled to listen to the evening news and you heard that there is more to the news  its not only a town but three hundred towns with lots of people dead and still counting, but still it never got your attention because Chelsea is playing Barcelona in the champions league semi final that same night.

You woke up the next morning and the headline news was that, the symptoms of this disease is now in Pakistan, Afghanistan, Qatar, Kuwait and  infact the whole of Middle East had been ravaged.

The leaders of European countries briefly held an emergency meeting and had given a strict directive to every member country to shut its border to prevent the entry of this mysterious disease. You thought of brother Francis in London, and you are a bit worried, but still you went about your normal duties- Trust EU now, they will always find their way around. You got a shocker when you heard in the afternoon news that three women just developed the symptoms in Paris, and New-York was not spared as several hospital are having their hands full, then you heard that the disease is now in Berlin, Rome, Madrid, Moscow, Canada and the names wouldn't stop. You are like thank God its not yet in Africa. Scientists are working round the clock to stop this ravaging disease. Prompted by curiosity cum uncertainty, you decided to tune your television to CNN after watching The Oprah Winfrey show on Dstv, further bombshell revealed that North and South America are now host to this plague, while a woman has just developed the symptoms in Kenya. Gooshhh! What meanest this?

Before saying Jack Robinson, there is this breaking news that Lagos and Calabar had welcome this disease with open arms. OH MY GOD! It was said that it would take just 48 hours to live after experiencing unbelievable symptoms. Anxiety will be an understatement considering the panic and current mass fretting, people starts trooping en-masse into religious ground and prayer mountains to stop this scourge of God against humanity. Health workers and scientists are working round the clock to solve this ravaging blood sucking puzzle. Everyone's heart was in their mouth; all were waiting for the worst to happen.

What could be more relieving when your anxiously worried panicky self heard in the news that a cure has been found, puzzle has been solved, mystery demystified! It would only take the blood of an uninfected person to produce the vaccine, so therefore, everyone was encouraged to go to the nearest health centre to get their blood analyzed. You later muster up the strength to take your family over to the nearest hospital, and as expected, a very long queue was up for grab, which you voluntarily accepted- which other choice have you? The doctors announced that they had analyzed millions of samples that day but no one was clean, but they are still pessimistically optimistic that at least a clean blood would be found. You found yourself and other families anxiously waiting for the result after been tested.

Then, out of the sudden came a doctor running and shouting as much as his vocal cavity can endure, he was shouting a name  alas they have found one clean blood. The tugging of your jacket by your son jolted you back to reality as your son spoke -Dad, that's my name being called. In the blink of an eyes and the twitch of a nose, he had grabbed your son, shouting, he is clean! He is clean!! His blood is pure and the only one we can get all over the world. For a moment you were dummyfied and another shocker jolted you back to reality from the dummyland- it isnt a pint of blood they would be needing from your only son and only child, but his whole blood-His life.

You find everyone begging you to sign the consent form, you are between the devil and the deep blue sea- either protect your son at the expense of the world or preserve the world at a very costly price. The sight of dying folks around you who are hanging to life by the skin of their teeth and also the sobbing of your wife, who was too dazed to speak didn't help matters , various world leaders had called you, all pleading and admonishing you to CONSIDER. Eventually, you have no option than to hug your son and whisper a cowardice shaky and teary I love you, letting him off your grip for the final time, yeah last time.

A ceremony was conducted the following week to remember the sacrifice of your son and also commemorate with the family, well, no one bothered to attend the ceremony, not even your local government chairman, the president and governors are busy with various stakeholders meeting and had forgotten about it-since it is no more a National issue. You can see the pretentious smile on the handful that came around" Won't you want to jump and say my only child died for you, don't you care? Had I known? Was everything not in vain? - You would have thought.

Wondering how God will feel when he looks at your life in comparison with that once and for all sacrifice. Would it be worth it?

He was oppressed and he was afflicted, yet he never said a word. He was brought as a lamb to the slaughter; and as a sheep before her shearer is dumb, so he stood silent before the ones condemning him. From prison and trial, they led him away to his death. But who among the people on that day realized it was their sins he was dying for-that he was suffering their punishment? He was buried like a criminal in a rich mans grave; but he had done no wrong; and had never spoken an evil word.-Isaiah 54:7-9


  1. Your modifications indeed drove home the points better. Dummyfied and Dummyland, I like.

    But I digress.

    The things He did for us and the way we paid Him... tsk tsk! As an acquaintance always writes, may God open the eyes of our understanding.

    1. ....and may we not decide to use dark glasses after he had opened it.**smiles**
      Thanks pastor Joe


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