The second part of this piece was written by a good friend Adewoyin Yinka(señor joe), infact the gentleman inspired the whole write-up. You can visit his blog here.

Adio, remember the child of who you are
Adio, remember the house from whence you come
Adio,Godliness with contentment is great gain
Adio,don't be satisfied with the norm,strive to be up there
Adio, life isn't a bed of rose
Adio, life would treat you the way you handle it
Adio, make us proud!!!
These were the words from Adio's penniless pocketed but passionate parents.
The path was his to choose
The road was his to thread
But the destination?????

The route taken by Adio is summarized below:

For years we’ve been as one
As five and six through thick and thin
My real brother from a different mother
Right until he sought another
A quest to be influential and powerful
Everyone wants this he argued
Doesn’t matter how you get it
The end justifies the means

True he got all he wanted:
Immunity to oppression
Shapely girls in all magnificence
Carousing cum jollity at the crest
This is the life!
I envied him at some points
But the voice of Ma echoed in my ear
Remember the son of whom you are

Six goes home today
En route to another place solo
The sky weeping its heart out
I’m doing the same myself
A boom from a barrel took the head off
Inter-fraternity clash victim they tagged
Eventuality was instant
The means ran over the end

• • •
What is the point in a brotherhood that wounds
and gives pseudo-status? What is immunity to
oppression if you can’t sleep with both eyes well

Imagine the grieve, devastation and
disappointment loved ones would go through; the
deterioration of character, and the deleterious
impacts on a potential great life.

Would you rather jeopardize the future to service
the present? Tomorrow starts from today.


Live a good life. You deserve it.


  1. Unfortunately, there are so many Adios who won't heed to warning, but would rather allow themselves to be influenced and initiated into a supposed brotherhood that wounds. They'll listen to no one until it becomes horrible and they get a teary "Adios amigos" in the end.

    May the Lord open the eyes of our understanding.

    Nice one bruvv.


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