We Remember
The hands that dried our tears when all that was left to do was to cry
The ears who patiently listened to our rants when all that was remaining was anger and fury
The ones who gave us a shoulder to lean on when the trusted pillars disappointed us
The ones who though had little gave us everything
The ones who silently cheered us on, when all there is about us is failure
The ones who gave up everything so we might have everything
The shoulders upon which we stood to see clearly
The rugged candlestand upon which we stood to light the world, who endured the agony of our hot wax
The ones who wept when our eyes were soaked and grinned when our lips broadened
The ones who stayed when everyone else left
The ones who looked backed when everyone else minded their business
The ones who prayed with us in the secret and cheered us on in the open
The ones we truly don't deserve
We acknowledge that we got so busy and for a tad moment, forgot those days
We acknowledge that we got drowned in the ovation as you got lost in the crowd
Memory failed us to remember you, the moment we stepped on that podium
The fast pace with which we ran made us unreachable
Our light has become so bright that your matchstick has lost its relevance
Today, we take a step back from the ovations and accolades, from the cheers and fame, from the podium and applauds, from the noises and excuses
We take a step back today, just to tell you that...
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