In her defence...

May the defense counsel now speak:

Thank you my lord;

Years ago, I found myself in the midst of some folks-due to the inevitable campus factor called hostel, a naïve innocently indifferent boy who found himself among sexual geeks, chasing virtually anything in skirt. Their stunts are no news, but the real news happens to be the behind the scenes cum the pity I felt for those feminine preys afterwards.

A lady comes into the room to visit her boyfriend, after series of amorous sweet talks; she finally yielded to cooking for him and us- the friends of friend. Series of tedious and laborious clinging of pans and spoons followed, which leaves her enervated- no thanks to those red flames emanating from men’s cooking stove. Food is finally ready. She leaves for her dormitory immediately as we began salivating and yearning for the delicacy- mission accomplished!!! We scramble for the pot and after series of jostling here and there, we eventually settle down to savor our meals. Gross silence engulfed the room after the first spoon, only to be followed by laughter of various types – the food was saltless. The person who had the best laugh was the boyfriend, yes him!  The poor lady thought that her action would have at least strengthened her case and take her closer to walking down the aisle with him, apparently not, it took her farther. I remember seeing the lady the next day and what  came to my mind was the saltless rice (I’m sure you won’t blame me), but what came stronger was the fact  that the scorner-in-chief was her boyfriend. She would later compensate him with sEx , but for us friends of friend, a gist about what transpired later would just do, so much for being F.O.F.

The positioning of our room gave us the much cherished advantage of viewing various ladies as they enter and exit the building alike. So it was always fun when friends of friends of friend came visiting. For each captured prey that passes, the predator tells us a full story of how he sighted her, hunted her, caught her and devoured her, to everyone’s amazement. Twas a battle of the best predators and various predatory instincts employed. The real harm was not the devouring per se, but watching the prey gallivant about the next day, and amateur and naïve audience like myself already had a full download of the stories behind the scene, no thanks to her ever faithful boyfriend.

However, I discovered that majority of my predator friends all desired a tamed and “zooed” prey to take down the aisle, not those wounded, devoured, and highly vulnerable prey.

Bias is when a man is hailed publicly for his sexual prowess while a woman takes the stick for doing such.
Can a commercial sex worker exist without a commercial sex buyer? So, why chide a party and leave the other?

It’s not really about encouraging the sinless man to cast the first stone, but, telling off the sinful man to bow his head in shame as much as he is dragging her through the mud.

Why must she bear the brunt of promiscuity only? Doesn’t it take two to tango? When did virginity become gender specific? So, why is the pot calling kettle black?
If she takes the slap for seducing you, you must be ready to take the punch for falling for it. Being economical with the truth is being quick to condemn the high rate of promiscuity in females but reluctance in condemning the irresponsibility and recklessness of men. 

After aborting series of pregnancies for you, it’s then you realized that ‘black is beauty’, not a yellow pawpaw!!! Shade, Linda, Bimbe, Esther, Chinyere, Aminat, including that pure water woman had all contributed to your ‘success’ story, it leaves one to imagine who the prostitute really is!!! He thinks his problem is just temporal and the magic wand called marriage would do the needful, only to later plunge innocent kids into abyss of uncertainty because mummy isn’t just enough for daddy. The innocent woman who thought years back that she’d met an angel, realized after the marriage trap that her sweetheart was just a monster in suit.

If behind a successful/unsuccessful…. man/woman…… lies a…… woman/man
Behind a female prostitute lies a male one
Behind a promiscuous lady is an irresponsible man
Behind a perverted she-dog is a time bomb and he-disaster waiting to happen.

Thank you my lord,
I rest my case…

To my clients, our services includes ensuring we tell you the bitter truth either we win or lose the court case.
The squirrel sights the banana, it pounces on it and devalues it, and, it shakes it tail for a job well done. The farmer comes back and vents his anger on the banana for not fleeing at the sight of the squirrel. The farmer devises a plan, he poisons the banana; squirrel came along and did his job as usual.
The result: A dead squirrel and a worthless banana.
Who will warn off those he-squirrels that the best poisons of life works best in those alluring she-bananas.


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