I HAVE A DREAM

Man: I have a dream! I have a dream!!I have a dream!!!
Audience: That what???
Man :( clears throat) em…..em…That one day I’m gonna build an air suspended castle
Audience :( hisses) in your dreams

Gbam!!!That says it all, who can be more correct than the audience, who can be more analytical than they. Oh yes, the best of castles are built in the dream, the best of automobiles are mostly “dream ridden”. The best of life are best lived in this same dream.

Let me proceed to my main point by quoting one of Sir Isaac Newton’s “dream”, the first law of motion states that every object continues in their state of rest or motion unless acted upon by an external force, may I safely state my own dreamy version by stating that “every dream continues in their state of “virtuality” or “illusionality”unless acted upon by the conscious and deliberate effort of the dreamer”.

A popular adage says that if wishes were horse, beggars would ride. Also if wishes were dollars, don’t be surprise that the richest man would be the man in the cubicle trying hard to etch a living. We both know that our problem lies not in the dream; the question is what we are doing about the dreamsssss? Waiting for it to autoactivate? Well, that’s a dream on its own**winks**All I am saying is that exotic dreams need not dreamy preparation but exotically rugged preparation.

A student aspiring to be the best student doesn’t need any further dream of reading but to dust his/her book immediately for work.

You wanna be the best Dad in the world but you the resentful,hateful,unforgiving and the angry type, my brother, don’t leap too much rather fine-tune your distasteful habits before launching out.

You wanna be the best wife and mother ever but cooking and neatness are your distant cousins, just pray God gives you a husband whose best food in reality is noodles and pounded yam in the dream…hun..hun..
You dream to be the best in the best of things but mediocrity is your hobby; wow, you are still a long way off!!!

Don’t give up on your dream, but rather pursue it into realism through diligence and put in mind that if you don’t build your dream, others would employ out to help them build theirs.

To our man planning of erecting a suspended castle (don’t worry about the audience, dreams are not meant to be appealing to all and sundry), the major barrier is the “static object versus gravitational force brouhaha”, overcome that and you are near.Afterall most of what we have around us now are the product of “once a dream”….

Let me conclude with this…sitting down and wishing still makes no man great, the good lord sends the fishes but you must dig the bait…..


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