It’s ironic how this simple four letter words (t-i-m-e) makes or mars our precious life. TIME is one of the few words that have the longest and broadest meaning in the dictionary. Our life seems to pass on with the passage of time. There is this trickish and beautiful saying which goes thus “the end justifies the means”, that shows that this life we are living is a means to an end and what beautifully sums up this means is the “process of time”. Funny how what we give ourselves to ultimately ends up in what becomes of us. As time can’t be reversed, it carries also vital aspect of our lives which can’t be reversed, funny how our so called life can be robotically influenced by this mystery word (t-i-m-e). What are we making of time OR what is time making of us……….. Funny how it is the same process of time that produced cult members (who later become a menace to the society) in our university undergraduates that also produced professionals in different course of study. The proc...