In her defence...

May the defense counsel now speak: Thank you my lord; Years ago, I found myself in the midst of some folks-due to the inevitable campus factor called hostel, a naïve innocently indifferent boy who found himself among sexual geeks, chasing virtually anything in skirt. Their stunts are no news, but the real news happens to be the behind the scenes cum the pity I felt for those feminine preys afterwards. A lady comes into the room to visit her boyfriend, after series of amorous sweet talks; she finally yielded to cooking for him and us- the friends of friend. Series of tedious and laborious clinging of pans and spoons followed, which leaves her enervated- no thanks to those red flames emanating from men’s cooking stove. Food is finally ready. She leaves for her dormitory immediately as we began salivating and yearning for the delicacy- mission accomplished!!! We scramble for the pot and after series of jostling here and there, we eventually settle down to savor our meals. Gro...