Don't you care?

I came across this piece some years back, did some modifications; I just hope the message remains intact. Enjoy!!! You are driving home after a tiresome and energy-sapping day at work, you decided to tune your radio to hear the local news, you heard the breaking news that a small town in India has been struck with a strange disease, leaving about four people dead already, you don't give it much of a thinking at first- at least people die every day. You got home into the warm embrace of your wife and only son, after your meal, you settled to listen to the evening news and you heard that there is more to the news its not only a town but three hundred towns with lots of people dead and still counting, but still it never got your attention because Chelsea is playing Barcelona in the champions league semi final that same night. You woke up the next morning and the headline news was that, the symptoms of this disease is now in Pakistan, Afghanistan, Qatar, Kuwait and infact the ...