I HAVE A DREAM Man: I have a dream! I have a dream!!I have a dream!!! Audience: That what??? Man :( clears throat) em…..em…That one day I’m gonna build an air suspended castle Audience :( hisses) in your dreams Gbam!!!That says it all, who can be more correct than the audience, who can be more analytical than they. Oh yes, the best of castles are built in the dream, the best of automobiles are mostly “dream ridden”. The best of life are best lived in this same dream. Let me proceed to my main point by quoting one of Sir Isaac Newton’s “dream”, the first law of motion states that every object continues in their state of rest or motion unless acted upon by an external force, may I safely state my own dreamy version by stating that “every dream continues in their state of “virtuality” or “illusionality”unless acted upon by the conscious and ...