The Judge

Through the nasty muddy street, she was dragged Pelted with stones of various shapes and sizes As they had a swell time on her flesh Hurting nay sweet caress Her skin discharging its red liquid content dutifully Her crime? She was caught doing the unthinkable Where there is no law, there is no sin, they say As she was charged at and dragged to the master’s feet What shall we do to her? They sought Devious and coward question!!! The master was speechless To judge or not to judge Guilty as charged Or Discharge and acquitted The brain chose the former The heart took solace in the latter Stooping down on bended knees He said Let the sinless man throw the first missile Deafening silence ensued Tick tock! Tick tock!! Tick tock!!! Where are your accusers? Hath none condemned thee? He asked As a crowd of many morphed into an audience of one Neither do I Go and sin NO MORE I only know of one, who won’t judge nor condemn you, neither will He gossip ab...