A beautiful evening it was The moon all out in its splendor Smiling on us with full vigor As we gallivant and talk away in the boat Enjoying the caress of the gentle breeze As we make our way to the other side Out of the sudden came the unexpected The calm tide of the see turns the opposite Calmness turned violent-unlimited Our boat was at its mercy Rocking and swinging side to side The melodious tune eluding us Beads of sweat turns to streams of fear Broad grin turns chagrin with pounding hearts The end is in view, we thought As we pass through death’s shadow Words of faith elude us As the “reality” of life dawn on us Carest thou not that we perish We unanimously bawled out Unto our master napping in the face of the storm Why sleepeth he at such a crucial time? Was he unaware or simply clueless? Of the fact that death was at the door knocking His reply made no sense Why talk of faith in the face of death? He was our last resort anyway As we ...